

  • 投稿物はこれまでに出版されておらず、また、別の雑誌に投稿されてもいない(または、編集者へのコメント欄で事情を説明している)。
  • 投稿ファイルは、OpenOffice、Microsoft Word、またはRTF文書ファイルフォーマットのいずれかである。
  • 可能な場合、参考文献のURLが提供されている。
  • テキストはシングルスペースで書かれており、12ポイントのフォントサイズを使用しており、下線ではなくイタリック体を使用しており(URLアドレスを除く)、すべてのイラスト、図、表は最後にまとめて示すのではなく、テキスト中の適当な場所に埋め込んでいる。
  • テキストは、執筆要項で示された書式要件および書誌記述要件を順守している。

This guideline/outlines or key points for preparing primary research manuscripts for submission to the Sindh Journal of Animal and Allied Sciences (SJAAS). Before submission, the corresponding authors should be familiar with the editorial policies of the journals published by the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Sakrand (SBBUVAS). Before submission, the corresponding author ensures that all authors are included in the author list and agree with its order and that they are aware the manuscript is to be submitted.

The corresponding is solely accountable for communicating with the journal and managing statements between co-authors.

A properly organized and structured document is essential for the positive processing of the manuscript. The following strategies will help you to prepare your manuscript according to the format of the journal.

Submit the manuscript to the Online portal at https://journals.sbbuvas.edu.pk/index.php/sjaas/index

Original Articles: Original research manuscripts. The journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information. Authors should not unnecessarily divide their work into several related manuscripts. The quality and impact of the study will be considered during peer review.

the format of Paper should be as follows:

  • Title of the Research topic (center, justified and font size must be 14)
  • Full name of author(s) (center, aligned and font size must be 14)
  • Name of Department and Institution
  • Email address of Corresponding author
  • Abstract
  • keywords
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Data analysis/Implementation/ Simulation
  • Results/ Discussion and Conclusion
  • References

Heading and subheadings should be differentiated by numbering sequences like 1. HEADING (Bold & Capitals) 1.1 subheading (Italic, bold), etc. The articles must be typed in Time New Roman with 12 font size 1.5 space (standard size) and should have a margin of 1 inch on the left and 0.7 inches right. The length of the paper should not be longer than 15 pages, including figures, tables, and bibliography. the table must have standard captions at the top while figures below with. Figures and tables should be in continuous numbering Citation must be in according to the Standard style.

Communications: Communications are restricted to reports of unusual urgency, timeliness, significance, and broad interest. A brief statement explaining how the manuscript meets the criteria of urgency and significance should be included in the author's cover letter. It is desirable that the principal conclusions be stated in the opening sentences of the manuscript. The submission of multiple Communications on the same or closely related topics within a short period of time is not an acceptable means of publishing a body of work that is too large for a single Communication. Such work should be described in the format of an article. The major concepts must not have appeared previously as a report or publication. If a previous Communication by the same author(s) has already appeared and the present manuscript describes a technical improvement or increases the scope of the work, it will not be accepted in the absence of a novel conceptual advance.

Letters to the Editor are short, invited opinion pieces that discuss an issue of immediate importance to the research community. Editorials should have fewer than 1000 words total, no abstract, a minimal number of references (definitely no more than 5), and no figures or tables (although they do have a photograph of the author as an illustration).

Letters to the Editor are considered for publication (subject to editing and abridgment) provided that they do not contain material that has been submitted or published elsewhere.

Perspectives: Perspectives should be in the range of 7-15 formatted Journal pages. Perspectives are personal reviews of a field or area, and they are focused rather than comprehensive. Prospective authors are asked to assess the current status of the field with an emphasis on identifying key advances being made or those advances that are needed and with an eye to the future.